I am tired, I can't think straight, there is a pain in my neck, my back hurts, I can't sleep, I wish I had more energy, I can't sit still, I do not have enough time, I have got to get this done, those darn fools why can't they drive faster, get out of my way!!!, it is all your fault, I am tired, I can't think straight, I have a pain in my neck, my back hurts, I can't sleep....
Some stress is a healthy part of life. it gets our juices flowing, literally. The fight or flight response gives us a burst of energy from chemical and hormonal changes when we perceive real or imagine danger.
- This stress response (fight or flight) produce more adrenaline and cortisol to help run from perceived danger.
- As cortisol levels ( a stress hormone) rise the stress response sent a constant flow of sugar into the blood stream to feed fleeing muscles.
- Stress triggers adrenalin and causes the heart to beat faster and increases circulation.
- Blood flows away from the organs out to the extremities, the immune system shut down as well as the sex organs and digestive systems. Blood flows out of the forebrain. Our focus narrows.
Here is the important part...The stress response was meant for occasional bursts of strength not chronic or daily stress.
Look below and see what stress can actually does to you for an extended period of time..
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Those darn fools why can't they drive faster. get out of my way! Stress behind the wheel Art by Deborah Moen |
The Effects of Stress
- Our prolonged stress response overloads our bloodstream, our liver, our brain, our fat cells and our heart.
- Stress causes bones loss, diabetes, kidney problems, cancer, arthritis, weight gain, insomnia, poor circulation, memory problems and that is not the end of it.
- Stress makes us tired.
- Stress zaps our energy.
- Stress causes our immune function and digestion processes to slow which over a prolonged period of time leaves us wide open for infection, victims of the dreaded flu season, takers of anti-acids and consumers of high health insurance premiums.
- People are even getting large rolls of belly fat around their mid sections from stress.
Education is key to learn how to relax because it is the relaxation response that stops the cycle of stress. The symptoms of STRESS are widespread in our world. Stress can be tamed because stress only comes from beliefs and perceptions. It is a reaction. BUT THERE IS HOPE.
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YOU GOT THE POWER TO HEAL YOUR LIFE Drawing/graphics by Deborah Moen |
You are designed with intelligence and the ability to self heal.
YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED ALREADY WITHIN YOU TO HAVE A GREAT LIFE EXPERIENCE You can learn how to get into the relaxation response!
Yay ! You are going to be ok !
YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED ALREADY WITHIN YOU TO HAVE A GREAT LIFE EXPERIENCE You can learn how to get into the relaxation response!
Yay ! You are going to be ok !
Deborah's Little Gems Pages
To help you relax
WHAT IS STRESS ? https://deborahslittlegems.blogspot.com/p/stress.html