Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How I Learned About Law of Attraction

Orange Volkswagen Beetle Theory
Image by Michal Zacharzewsky

 I used to be laughed at for my imaginative stories and positive attitude. When I saw the evidence of synchronicity I began to connect all the dots and could see my Power ! 

When I was 6 years old I remember having this momentary desire to learn all I could about the universe. I wanted to know how it worked. I felt that would be the ultimate to know as much as I could about this. Quite a unique desire for such a young girl but that desire manifested and I continue to realize more and more about the universe.

I knew this reflective response from the universe was in place even before I learned of The Secret and Law of Attraction. I just discovered it on my own. Just happened to have a nice couple who befriended me after my divorce and they had an orange VW Volkswagen Beetle. 
 I began seeing orange VW Beetles everywhere ! 
I called this phenomena the Orange Volkswagen Theory. 

That was in the early 90's.  I knew about and practiced creative visualization through Shakti Gawain. Then when The Secret came out I bought the dvd, the book and audio of the film The Secret.  

I played the audio of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne while I drove, I had a special viewing for my Tai Chi and Reiki students and their families. I wanted to shout it to the world, " Hey look everybody ! You can create a good life !" 

 "Hey look everybody, you can create your own life!"
Art by Deborah Moen

I practice every day being conscious and choosing fun things to do. Sometimes I may find myself talking or complaining about things I do not like but I remember to take my focus onto a whole different a more pleasurable activity that interests me. 

When you begin it is helpful to
  • Notice how many times a day you worry or project the worse case scenario
  • Practice looking on the bright side.
  • Pay attention to your attitude
  • Learn to let go and let God
  • Enjoy being in the present moment

You create your life from your dominate thoughts, beliefs, and focus. With practice your beliefs, thoughts and focus will work together in harmony. You will see a difference. 

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until next time,
Be Well !

Check a new uncensored social platform.

I have successfully transitioned from Facebook to an uncensored social media platform called MeWe.  

Register for MeWe
Here is my page link  Self Care 365 Techniques and Info 

Deborah Moen

You may like reading my post:  How To Get Into The Present Moment

Benefits of Positive Emotions

All emotions are valid.

All emotions are valid but let us give positive emotions, those emotions that feel good, the spotlight in this post.


A great benefit of positive emotions is that they feel good. Feeling good increases production of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin hormones. 

Here is how you can produce your own happy hormones.

  • Eat with a loved one and boost oxytocin levels
  • Laugh with a friend and boost dopamine and endorphin levels
  • Listen to instrumental music that gives you goose bumps and boost dopamine.
  • Listen to music you really enjoy and this can increase serotonin production.
  • Plan a romantic evening and cuddle with a loved one. This contributes to oxytocin production.
  • Cuddle, pet, scratch, or brush your pet. This can contribute to oxytocin production.
  • Take a break from stress. Walk, ride a bike, meditate, breathe, engaging with other people. Any of these activities can increase dopamine, serotonin, and even endorphins. 
  • A massage can boost  all 4 of your good feeling hormones.. 




Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Until Next time,

 Be Well, 

I have moved my social platform from Facebook to MeWe. My Page is called Self Care 365 Techniques and Info. I am uncensored on MeWe and report many events that have an impact on our well-being. It is very easy to sign up on MeWe and their phone app is very good. You can get it on Google Play. 

Register for MeWe

Here is my page link  Self Care 365 Techniques and Info 

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Use The Power of Imagination

Use The Power Of Your Imagination
Image by Drew Colins
from unsplash.com

 We now know how powerful our imagination is. We can use it to envision a better outcome. It is easy to use our imagination to  envision a disastrous outcome. We do it all the time. So if we know imagination is a powerful tool then I am proposing here that we use it wisely.  Most of this world is suffering in one way or another. The recent illnesses and restrictions, and changes around us has left many of us feeling powerless. Our heads are hung low and we comply to outrageous restrictions and our mouths are speaking against these things we do not like repeatedly. These attitudes can bolster and feed injustice like a wild fire.  I am suggesting we turn that around to imagine what we would prefer to happen. What would that look like to you ? Do you dare think it and enjoy that thought ? 

Here is an example of how imagination can be used in any situation you prefer or feel the need to change. .


I read a true account of a woman who was driving in West Los Angeles. At a stop light, a bus is at her right and an elderly gray-haired lady is hurrying diagonally across the intersection trying to catch the bus. When the light changed the bus drove on leaving the lady behind in the street. The woman watching this from car, could not actually help the elderly gray-haired lady she had to keep going with the traffic. The woman felt compassion and decided to give the woman a lift with her imagination. So in Imagination she opens the door and gives the lady a lift. Then still in her imagination she hears the lady tell her she is meeting a few friends and if she had to wait for another bus she was afraid her friends would leave without her.

Within  a half a minute the woman felt satisfied about the situation with the elderly gray-haired lady, which she had created with her Imagination story.

Four blocks ahead, that woman stopped at a light, where someone tapped on the window, it was the gray-haired lady standing outside her car out of breath. The woman lowered her window and the lady said," I have missed my bus could you give me a ride? Friends are waiting for me and I do not want to be left behind." The woman opens her door to let the lady in. Six blocks further down the road the lady says, "Oh there are my friends !" The lady thanks the driver and gets out.

 So what will you do next time you feel powerless over a situation ?

Try something new. Evolve the tendency to imagine the worst. 

Use your imagination. Imagine a good outcome. Exercise your imagination muscles. Do this daily.

Think of the possibilities.

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Till next time 
Be Well

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

It is not hard to feel the effects of what is going on in the world. You can use your imagination to envision a better world. Take a moment and envision a world of peace, good health, and kindness. What would that look like to you? You can be a part of creating a better world for humanity.  

I think of global well-being when I see this. I got it at a swap meet
in California. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Be Calm In The Storm


Be Calm In The Storm painting by Deborah Moen

Be Calm In The Storms Of Life

Row Gently, Have faith, and you will gently reach the shore.

Deborah's Little Gems

Can you remember a time when you had a challenging experience?  Maybe everything connected to that experience was difficult and nothing seemed to go well. You may have felt angry, frustrated, put upon or cursed by some bad karma. But you have a choice on how to handle the situation. In this post I will share an experience that was quite frustrating. I made a decision to approached it with a good attitude. I had heard some time ago that a good attitude can really help make things a lot easier. My experience just happens to be a weather storm but any challenging time can be referred to as a storm. 

Here is my story of how I got through this 

frustrating experience:

One day I felt dread at the idea of going out into a fierce storm to feed my llamas. 

I know by experience that a feeling of dread can dominate the whole situation and follow you for the rest of the day or longer. 

I dressed for the occasion and put on my snow pants and my coat and warm farm girl work gloves. I stepped outdoors and I found it is not so bad as I first thought.

It is helpful to notice what is going right. It lightens up the situation.

I made my way towards the llama corral. The winds were howling, it was cold, and the snow pelted against my rain jacket.  I could feel myself beginning to trudge, so I become aware of my posture, my facial expression and how I move through the task or situation. These features have a remarkable effect on our attitudes and outcomes.

No I did not do this but a few years ago I used to be afraid of the snow. I made up my mind to have fun in the snow and I began dancing in it. I made good friends with the snow that day. 


I approached the stack of hay to feed the llamas. I began to unravel the tarps that tangled in the winds and undid the tie downs on the hay pallet. The wind was blowing hard and the snow was wet against my face. I fed the llamas and was ready to tie down the tarps over the hay with the bungie cords. I couldn't see inside the hay stack to attach the tie downs so I knelt down in the wet snow. I still could not see for my hood was flapping over my face and my long hair was whipping over my eyes. 


I groped for my coat zipper with my wet glove and pulled down on the zipper tab. I was instantly freed and I could feel the wet blast of storm winds on my face and head. 

After my hood was blown off I could see what I was doing and the freedom I felt was exhilarating. That initial feeling of dread was far behind me, I laughed out loud while attaching the tie downs on the wildly flapping hay tarp and just happened to look up to see a lovely pale blue winter sky appear out of the dark clouds. It was a break in the storm. What a great feeling I got. I was actually beaming and felt thankful. 

These adjustments to our thinking, our expressions and posture really make a difference. We can unknowingly scowl and trudge through our experiences. Be aware. It is a choice.  

Be calm in the storm and when you are aware of dread, make a choice to live life with an attitude that can help you get through these challenges that life brings. Look for all there is to appreciate in each moment. It may start out a bit rocky but it does smooth out if we let it. The more we practice this awareness and make choices that support our well-being the easier it gets. 

I believe or perceive that blue sky appearing on that dark, wet, and windy day was a wink from God. 

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

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Until next time

BE WELL* Be calm in the storms of life. Have faith, row gently and you will safely reach the shore.

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Deborah's Little Gems has a store called Simple Spark on Zazzle. I paint and create art for cards, mugs, t-shirts etc. Here is an image I put on a card to encourage someone going through a difficult time. 

My Friend Had Covid

  My Friend Had Covid - Deborahs Little Gems Read :This is not a substitute for medical care or medication. This is a few suggestions for ma...