Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Do you believe in Fairies?

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Do you believe in Faeries? As a child my mother enchanted me with her stories about how the faeries held tea parties in the garden and sat on mushrooms. When I see mushrooms on the lawn or in my garden or a forest I imagine, in my mind's eye, those little faeries sitting around in a circle giggling and relaxing in the evening. 

The history and legends of faeries are fascinating and go deeper into all the nature elementals including the Mermaids, Selkies, Sylphs, Gnomes, Tree People, Leprechauns, and more. 

It is said that every blade of grass has an angel hovering over it, calling to it, saying: “Grow!” The instant the angel calls forth a single urge to grow, it fades away. In the next moment another angel appears over the blade of grass, and it calls out, “Grow!” It too then instantly disappears, while yet another and another and another angel appears, fresh in every moment, urging the grass to Grow!

Thus, every single blade of grass has untold trillions of angels attending it, urging it to live. So too every leaf, every living being, and indeed every atom has its angels urging it to move, to fly, to be whatever it is. Yes, even every wave, every vibration, every nuance of this universe has its mystery which can be described in angelic terms.

~ Talmud, Ancient Sacred Text

Tree Spirit near the Fremont River in Fruita Camp,
Capitol Reef National Park, Utah.  

You may look at the grass a bit different now. You may even see faces in the trees. The more I learn about nature spirits, the more I come across more guidance and miracles as my awareness deepens. the elementals are nature angels and very helpful if you just ask. 

So.... once you have been enchanted by the idea of these nature angels then as Rabbi Alan Lurie wrote  ...

Now you begin to realize that there are possibilities for understanding the world to which you were completely blind, because you absolutely believed your construct about how things are. Suddenly the incredible possibility arises that your construct may not be the absolute truth, and there is another way of seeing things. Then, in the birth of new possibilities you grow and are pulled forward, as new ways of seeing your life and the world appear. Then, you look back of where you’ve been with gratitude at the urgent, persistent whisper of growth.

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems  
Until next time, Be Well !

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Here is a card I made from an old fairy tale. Part of the fairy tale is written inside, You may personalize this card. 

Acupressure - Easy and Effective.


Acupressure - Easy and Effective

Names have been changed.

Abby had insomnia due to some radical changes in her life which caused stressed. She couldn't sleep. Her mind was filled with thoughts and she couldn't relax. Sound familiar? We all experience a sleepless night  from time to time but when it continues over a long period of time we begin to lose our natural bearings in every aspect of our life. Her concentration was impaired, her immune system was challenged, she became grouchy, out of sorts and had bouts of depression. Abby wasn't herself. She made an appointment for her general practitioner.

She came home with a handful of pills to help with depression. The pills caused her legs to become numb, her hands tremble and she experienced dizziness and had to sit to avoid fainting or falling. The side effects of the pills were worse than her original complaint. She returned to the doctor and told him of her reaction to the pills. The doctor slid over to the counter, pulled open a drawer and took out several packages of samples.

samples of pills for insomnia
from the doctor's drawer

Abby was shocked at the next batch of pills and asked, "Is this is a hit and miss type of thing?". The doctor rephrased it by saying well, we just need to try some other medicine.

 Abby decided not to take the pills. Her friend Betsy gladly offered to give her a full body acupressure treatment. Betsy had taken a 16 hour course in Full Body Acupressure Treatment. Acupressure is similar to Acupuncture without the needles. Firm gentle pressure is applied to special areas on the body to cleanse accumulated stress and restore balance to the energy systems within the body. Abby felt immediate results. She was so relaxed at her first treatment she fell comfortably asleep. She received 4 treatments in 2 weeks. Abby looked forward to each session.

Betsy also taught Abby's husband to do a simple treatment on Abby's hand at night when they went to bed. Abby would lie down by her husband and raise her nearest hand over to her husband who lovingly took her hand and laid it on a soft pillow over his belly. He then began to perform this simple acupressure treatment. Abby fell asleep after 7 of the 12 points. Her husband continued till he was done with all 12. Every night he helped her. Abby was sleeping through the night. Her husband found that doing the treatment relaxed him as well. Abby also learned how to do these 12 points on herself.

This is a true story. And what a beautiful story. This therapy helped Abby with all her symptoms. I want to show you also how to help yourself , a friend or a family member.

Important *
Always consult your general practitioner if you are seriously ill. This article is not to diminish the value of conventional healthcare. This report is to educate and reveal the wonderful opportunities we have to chose from. It is my hope that patients ask for safe alternative drug-free therapies just like we ask for better products and services in everyday life. It is time to incorporate the whole body in what we are experiencing as dis-ease.

WHEN NOT TO USE ACUPRESSURE     Note: There are other safe alternative therapies that can be used in these cases to bring relief to insomnia.

  1. Do not apply acupressure to any open cuts or where there is swelling or inflammation.
  2. Avoid scar tissue, boils, blisters, rashes and burns.
  3. Do not apply pressure on varicose veins.
  4. If the recipient has high blood pressure or epilepsy do not apply pressure to the top of the head.
  5. Do not apply pressure to elderly, young children, or those with arthritis or osteoporosis. I use acupressure on my 12 year old grandson and he loves it.
  6. If a person has a serious illness like cancer or heart disease. have them obtain a doctor's approval before giving any bodywork.
  7. If a person has a fever or any kind of infection, from cold or flu to an ear infection, do not work on them until the infection is gone. Acupressure stimulates the the flow of the circulatory and lymphatic systems and can spread the infection.
  8. This does not imply to these specific hand points. But for a full body treatment read further. If a woman is pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, make sure of the areas to avoid. Acupressure in certain areas can cause uterine contractions and can inhibit or endanger pregnancy.

Here are some Jing Well points. Do not perform #7 if you are pregnant.




  • Press on each point, beginning at #1 using the tip of the thumb or index finger. It is important to trim the thumb and index nails.  Be sure to carefully gage how much pressure the recipient can handle by asking "How is this? Is it too hard?" etc.  acupressure points are places along the energy channels of the body that are close to the surface. Press straight down using the tip of the finger. Do not bend the thumb or index finger back at the knuckle. Practice on an orange or lemon.

  • When pressing on these acupressure points the recipient will know if you are on target because the point has a definite tight sensation to it. Especially on 7,8,11 and 12. Concentrate on the tip of your finger while pressing and you may feel the energy there.

  •  Begin at the base of each finger and gently squeeze upward towards the tip of the finger. Begin your pressure very, very gently like a butterfly landing on the point, then firmly press down. Ask the recipient if the pressure is too hard or too soft. Hold each point for 15-30 seconds. Use slow complete breaths to measure the time. 3 slow breaths are usually 15 seconds. Lift your finger off the point very gently. Then proceed to the next point.

  • Practice makes perfect. The more you review this technique by doing, the easier it becomes. This treatment is so relaxing and it is a form of meditation.
 FYI-LOCATIONS AND INDICATIONS  BE SURE TO CONSULT YOUR GENERAL PRACTIONER FOR ALL CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW.  This article is expressly for those who want to try an alternative method for their insomnia. This alternative method is one of many that brings relief to stress and pain.
  1.  #1 point Lu. (Lung 11) It lies right on the lower outside corner of the thumb nail. Indications: mental disorders, help with asthma and cough.
  2. #2 point is on the lower corner of the index nail (see illustration) It is LI (Large Intestine 1)  Indications: mental disorders, helps with loss of consciousness and toothache.
  3. #3 point Tip of Middle Finger P ( Pericardium 9) Indications: mental disorders, loss of consciousness, cardiac pain.
  4. #4 point Ring Finger TW (Triple Warmer1) Indications: mental balance, headaches
  5. #5 Pinky H (Heart 9) Indications: mental disorders, loss of consciousness, palpitations, cardiac pain, fever, febrile disease.
  6. #6 point  Pinky SI (Small Intestines 1) Indications: mental disorders, loss of consciousness, cloudiness of cornea.
  7. #7 point LI 14 (Hoku-"Joining The Valley") * NEVER USE THIS POINT DURING PREGNANCY   This point is  1" up in the webbing in between the Index and the Thumb nearest the bones of index finger. Indications: Relieves headache, toothache, sinusitis, colds, hay fever, depression, and pain in the upper body. Balances gastrointestinal system .                                                                                                                                                                
  8. #8 the biggest part of the pad of the palm below the thumb Fish Borders (LU 10) Indications: clears the lungs, relieves difficult breathing, asthma, emotional distress. Relieves coughing, swollen throat and wrist pain.
  9. Energy gate press and rub this several times gently with pad of thumb.
  10. #10 point H7 (Spirit Gate or Heart Gate) Base of little finger on side of wrist crease. Indications: Regulates heart, strengthens the spirit, relieves cold sweats, insomnia due to over excitement and anxiety.
  11. #11 point TW5 (Outer Gate) 2 1/2 fingers above the wrist on the back of the forearm. Indications: Relieves rheumatism, tendinitis, allergic reactions, headaches, colds, flu, and fear. Relieves pain in the wrist, elbow and arms, shoulders and neck. Increases immune function.
  12. #12 point P6 (Inner Gate) 2 1/2 fingers above the wrist on the inside of the arm. Indications: Relieves wrist pain, anxiety, dizziness, irregular menstrual periods, epilepsy. Releases the arms, calms the mind, moves congestion in the chest and stomach (nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, difficult breathing)

Thank you for visiting, Deborah's Little Gems
Until Next Time,
Be Well !

Deborah Moen

Deborah Moen has taken 16 hours of CE units of Full Body Acupressure at Cerritos College in Cerritos California. She has found it very helpful for relaxing, cleansing and energizing her body. She uses acupressure on herself, her family and friends. 
You can not do acupressure on clients without a massage license.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Like Walking Through The Brick Wall- Personal Story

Like Walking through A Brick Wall

My personal story by Deborah Moon Moen

 There came a time in my 40's that I came to learn how to stand on my own two feet. Suddenly I realized that no one was going to do it for me. 
I knew I was responsible for everything that I was experiencing.
I came to realize the only person that I could change was myself.
No more could I depend on others to make me happy or secure. 

I learned new ways of living and each new response to life was difficult because the old ways had become a habit.

Every time I changed an old pattern of belief or thought, it was like I was having to walk through a brick wall.
Waking up in the morning and getting through my day seemed as hopeless as walking through a brick wall.
But these were only my fearful perceptions.
In time, with practice, I was running free with so much of life before me.

Suddenly, I could not see that brick wall which I had painted in my mind. I saw only endless possibilities. I could see that for every response I made, life responded back to me, in magical ways. 

When my actions and responses supported my well-being,
it was well-being that reflected back to me.
That was the evidence that gave me faith and shifted me into my inherit power to create my own experiences. 

I was empowered beyond my wildest or conscious imaginings and I knew that I would never go back behind that brick wall again.


Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Thank you visiting Deborah's Little Gems! 
Until next time,
Break Free !

My Friend Had Covid

  My Friend Had Covid - Deborahs Little Gems Read :This is not a substitute for medical care or medication. This is a few suggestions for ma...