Tuesday, February 22, 2022

5 Reiki Principles We Can All Live By

5 Reiki Principles We Can All Live By

These principles are beneficial guidelines to follow for a more harmonious experience as you go about your daily life. It begins with  "Just for today" Just focus on today. It is not necessary to be perfect every day of your life. That creates tension just to think about that. So just for today you can quell your anger, focus on something interesting besides your worry.  Be honest. Be Grateful, Be kind and compassionate.  

 You will find many versions of the Reiki Principles but they all express a way of life that can benefit us when practiced. 

The principles may have been inspired by Buddha teachings. Some say Emperor Meiji of Japan wrote them during his reign of 1858-1912. Usui may have adopted his own version as far back as 1915 from a book entitled Kenzen no Genri (Principles of Health), written by a Dr. Bizan (or: Miyama?) Suzuki, contains the following short passage (or poem, if you prefer):published 1914

Here is how it is written in this book:

Today only

Do not be angry

Do not be afraid

With integrity

Be diligent in your professional duties

Be kind to people

Here is the version I learned. You can see how they convey the same ideas. 

Every morning and evening

Join your hands in prayer

Pray these words with your heart

And chant these words with your mouth

Just for today

I will let go of anger. I will not worry

I will count my many blessings

I will do my work honestly

I will be kind to every person and every living thing. 

The Inside  of my Reiki Principles Greeting Card has the 5 Principles. You can buy this in my Simple Spark Store .

On the product page above the image you can see a discount code in red text that you can use at checkout. 

This is the front of the Reiki Principles Greeting Card. JUST FOR TODAY

Reiki Principles Greeting Card

For further reading I found these articles very interesting. This is not an affiliate link. This is a secure site on aetw.org.

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
This platform has discontinued the subscribe by email feature so if you would like to read more, bookmark this blog until I can find the best subscribe by email feature. 

Until next time,
Be well !

Deborah Moen 

Learn How To Perform Healing Prayer


Learn About Healing Prayer

Healing Prayer is available to you !  The Praying Medic, Dave Hayes, is teaching people how to pray and heal and remove unwanted emotions. The testimonies are very encouraging. Just in the last 3 weeks I have seen many testimonies which are available to see on Dave Hayes website and Telegram channel.  He has written a series of "_____Made Simple" books  

  • Divine Healing
  • Dream Interpretation 
  • Hearing God's Voice 
  • Seeing In The Spirit
  • Traveling In The Spirit 
  • Emotional Healing In 3 Easy Steps.
  • The Gates of Shilo. 

In this day and age there is a great need for healing;  emotional, physical, and spiritual.  I believe if we knew more about our healing power we would be so much better off in this world.

The Holy Spirit is within each and everyone of us.  Jesus gives us authority to use this power.  I am just learning and have so far  repaired a molar rising up from my jaw because it had no opposing teeth, relieved my back pain, gone,  relieved in both my shoulders, gone. I helped ease my husbands elbow pain, back pain, and groin pain, gone. I have read testimonies of overcoming eye issues, tinnitus, and emotional trauma. I have helped my dog's digestive issues with this prayer. I use the emotional healing steps every time I sense an emotion that lingers. Releasing emotions open's the way to healing. 

I am not an affiliate. I love to share what works for me and maybe you will benefit as well. The books are on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 

Dave Hayes websites and Telegram channel
Healing videos, blog, testimonies

Telegram channel
Posts and chat, testimonies

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until next time 
Be Well ! 
I have moved from Facebook
I am now on MeWe
MeWe is an uncensored social platform. My MeWe Page is called

Deborah Moen

Monday, February 21, 2022

12 Steps ~ Awakening Part 3

"God, please help me or I will die" and He did. 
God gave me the Gift of Faith
Art by Deborah Moen

12 Steps ~ Part 2

And out of my mouth came " Dear God please help me or I will die." I wanted to live but didn't know how. Everything I tried was useless. Approaching my problem with the same information tumbling around in my mind, would never be a solution. I needed help. I was in an abusive marriage.

It is very human to do the same things over and over again and expecting different results. It is like banging your head against a door over and over. My dad had a saying, " Does that hurt? Don't do that!" But these episodes oddly enough become familiar and more comfortable than change.

After all, think of it. Who would you be if your were that safe, peaceful happy person with no more worry? This could be a very scary thought. Who would I be then? Lions and and tigers and bears....oh my! And I repeated my mistakes over and over again even though it was progressively more painful. I just kept getting up and dusting myself off and trying again.

The time came when the dust no longer brushed off. Stress took it's toll on my body and mind. My head was being bashed against walls and car windows as I tried to escape. My safety was threatened on a daily basis, but now, it was worse.  I had lost control of my nervous system and when my husband approached me I would go into convulsions from fear. The light of life within me grew dim.

One day I thought I would again try to make everything clean and perfect. Mowed the lawn, cleaned the house and had something special for the husband to eat before he went out to party. I looked really nice too. I wore my favorite light green shirt and black stretch pants. I had everything finished and decided to take a walk. My walk extended farther than usual and I found myself inside the expanse of the high school field. My eyes lifted and gazed at the blue sky and white clouds. Then, all of a sudden, as if someone pushed me from behind, I felt compelled to uttered the words, "Dear God, please help me or I will die". It surprised me and I looked around to see if anyone was there. This was the pivotal moment when I asked for help.

That moment on I felt strength not ordinarily my own. 20 years I had been living in fear and in the pain of abusive attacks. That night I saw clearer than I ever did concerning my situation. God had given me the Gift of Faith.

As I stood in the kitchen that night, there was an amber light shining on me from the north facing window and again I was fortified with clarity. That night, during a usually scolding, I saw that I would never change my husband, only myself. it was such a relief and this truth gave me protection from being harmed.

That night I gathered my things and left that marriage forever. I stayed in a Best Western and I just seemed to know it was going to be all right. Every thing I needed for my comfort came along,  a home, friends, and even guidance from counselors.

My husband sought help from AA via a hospital and I was invited as a family member to attend. I agreed because in my mind I wanted to get my husband well. I had no idea I had was part of the problem.  I even attended AA meetings to learn more. Later I attended a few Al-Anon & Codependents Anonymous meetings and bought and read the book by Melody Beattie  Codependent No More
 I also bought her book The Language of Letting Go I carried that book with me and it taught all about how to handle my emotions. The corners of the pages turned dog eared after a while.

A miracle is a change in perception. ~ A Course In Miracles

Looking back I feel moved to draw pictures, write poetry and marvel at the miracle of how it all came about that morning and how I was ready to ask for help. Help arrived. Everything I needed showed up and it has been that way ever since. 

That was 31 years ago. If you would like to read 12 Steps Part 1&2 here are the links:

12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous ~ Part 1
12 Steps ~ Part 2

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems 
Until next time, be well!

Deborah Moen

Art by Deborah Greeting Cards in my store Simple Spark are for sale

Running Free Encouraging Greeting Card

A painting of a person running free after breaking through a brick wall is a metaphor for feeling the freedom of overcoming a difficult task or situation. You can use your own woods for this card to suit your situation.

Take My Heart Folded Greeting Card
Colorful design of a young man giving a big red heart to a lady. Inside the card are small hearts and text that reads "Take my heart I am yours". Personalize this card with your own message option available.

Be Calm In The Storm Encouraging Greeting Card
A painting of person in a boat on a rough stormy sea with choppy waves headed towards the bright sun shining over the shore. Message inside reads: Be calm in the storm. Inside text "Have faith, row gently and you will safely reach the shore". Personalize this card if you like. 

Wild -Self Shamanic Greeting Card

A woman stand high on a plateau with a rainbow arching overhead, beating the drum which express her real self. Coyotes exchange vibration below on the path as a raven flies by. Inscription inside quote by Deborah Moon Moen: The beauty of you is waiting to be discovered. You were always wild and free; full of love and life. On the first leaf of the card is a hand painted image of a drum inscribed below the drum: Listen to your heart. Customize this card with your own message.

Believe Inspirational Greeting Card
Inside this card " Believe in your dreams, they do come true"

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Using The Tapping Technique Saved My Life

The  Tapping Technique can help you feel better.

Yes. It is true. The tapping technique saved my life.

Tapping released my fear and mistrust of doctors. I prided myself in being well for 25 years without medicine. December my llama died and I was stricken with such grief. 3 days later, I developed a severe pain and swelling in my left leg. I perceived it to be a pulled Achilles tendon. 

45 + days later my whole leg began to swell. I knew I had to go to the doctor. My mistrust, fear, and pride was so strong, I was resistant to making an appointment.. Guess what I did ? I tapped. I tapped feeling the fear and tapped longer for more emotions that came up. after about 30 minutes of tapping. In tapping we rate the emtions on a scale of 1-10.  I rated from a 10++ . After I tapped a few rounds I was rating the issue down to a 1. I was able to agree to a visit to a local doctor. 

The doctor ordered an ultra sound and they discovered I had a blood clot from my mid calf to my mid thigh in the main vein ! I was admitted into the hospital immediately where I was monitored with a blood thinning medicine. I also had a CT scan for clots in my lungs and heart. My lungs were clear and so my heart. However the clot was 2 feet long down the side of my ;eft leg. 

I am back to normal. It took 1 year for my body to metabolize the clot.  I took no pain meds for this. I used tapping for the pain. They prescribed opiates but I did not get the prescription filled. I did take nice slow walks and increase my activities daily. I tap on my emotions also during this temporary challenge. My grief, fear, and guilt have literally been dissolved. I am very thankful that I learned how to tap. 

 My grief, fear, and guilt have literally been dissolved.

There are many YouTube videos on tapping and instructions on the Internet. I would look up Dawson Church, Brad Yates, Nick Ortner, Jessica Ortner, & Tapping Solution

What really helped me learn how to tap was the Annual Tapping World Summit

What really helped me learn how to tap was the Tapping World Summit which is free. I am an affiliate because I believe strongly this is an important technique to learn for your wellness and for the well-being of this world.  


Here is are 3 Free Tapping Meditations for Feeling Calm, Relaxed and at Peace

Here is another free video with Iyanla Vanzant that will help you recognize toxic emotions and how to let them go with tapping. 

Are Toxic Emotions Running Your Life


These links above will take you to the videos. Give your first name and email to have access. I highly recommend learning this technique. Even if you are a professional you can learn even more. 

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Remember you have the power to heal and stay well. 

You can be a great help and example to others. 

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Saturday, February 19, 2022

I Saw The Walls of Jericho

I Saw The Walls of Jericho
Art By Deborah Moen


I had another one of those God moments that I would love to share. 

I was taking my cat Harely McFarley for a stroll outdoors. The temps had warmed up into the 40's  and the sun was bright in a clear blue sky. 

While Harley rolled onto his back in the crispy brown grass, I began listening to the Praying Medic's Supernatural Saturday-Seeing In The Spirit.  The Praying Medic, Dave Hayes was sharing his experience with seeing in the spirit as a movie, cartoon or a two dimensional image. It turns out I have been doing this for years but I did not connect it to seeing in the spirit. I just enjoyed it like a movie. As he was explaining how he began seeing in the spirit,  I closed my eyes. The movie began. I was flying like a drone over a road. Suddenly a massive rock wall appeared before me. I came to a gentle halt and explored the greatness of this ancient looking wall. I could see dust, the angular shape of the rocks and the cracks. The wall was a red-gold like the earth where I live in Utah

I told my friend and she asked me what the wall meant. I asked God what the wall meant. In a short while, I received the message like  a sudden out of the blue thought which seemed audible, "the walls of Jericho". I did not know what that meant so I looked it up. I have not read the bible but I am learning about the bible through The Praying Medic. Here is what I found while researching The Walls of Jericho.

 "God is more powerful than walls or things that may seem impossible. God simply told Joshua to have the people to march silently around Jericho for six days, and then, after seven circuits on the seventh day, to shout.

Though it seemed foolish, Joshua followed God’s instructions to the letter. When the people did finally shout, the massive walls collapsed instantly, and Israel won an easy victory. In fact, God had given the city of Jericho to them before they even began to march around its walls (Joshua 6:2, 16). It was when the people of God, by faith, followed the commands of God that the walls of Jericho fell down (Joshua 6:20).

  • This was such a gift for me and many people who are worried about how people are being treated like in Ottowa and other places around the world. The story of the Walls of Jericho has some powerful truths
  • God is more powerful than any obstacle we perceive with our physical eyes.
  •  Everything we want is already there. God has already given it to us. 
  • Follow those messages those ideas that come out of the blue. If you don't know what they mean raise your face and ask God. 
  • The answers come when you are aligned, That means spend time being quiet and still in tthe presence of God's peace so your thoughts do not drown out the message. 
  • We may feel hog tied not able to help but there is a higher plan even if it looks foolish. 
  • We receive guidance in God's time.
  •  Stay aligned with God's Glory have faith and guidance will come even if it seems not fast enough or not enough.

Wow! What a great message! It is jam-packed full of goodies. Glad I listened today to the replay. Dave Hayes is a great teacher. I am very uplifted by this experience. 

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Deborah Moen

Until next time 

Be Well !

You may also like to read these posts

How To Get Into the Present Moment 101

How I used Tapping After A Bad Fall

I am affiliated with the Free Tapping World Summit.  I learned and benefitted from Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) by listening to this event. Here is a video you can try. Give your email and first name and you can watch it. It is FREE.

3 Tapping Meditations for Feeling Calm, Relaxed and at Peace

Thursday, February 17, 2022

How I Used Tapping After A Bad Fall

  In this post I am inviting you to find out how to learn tapping technique and I will give you an example of how I used it in an emergency. 

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is very easy to learn and very effective for just about any kind of mental, physical and emotional challenge

It is free. The Tapping World Summit has many teachers and demonstrations that you can follow along with. It is not just a learning experience you can actually receive a a beneficial result by following along. Your tension may be release, your headache may disappear, your pain may go away, your anger, sadness, resentment  may turn into peace. I highly recommend attending some of these tapping demonstrations. I have learned so much from this event. 

Not only have I learned from watching I  got benefits from tapping along.

The first free video All videos and presentations are free. Learn EFT

See The Video Here is the link

Here is one of my testimonies

 I fell in the wilderness on a hike. I snagged my pant leg on a fallen tree and fell  face down. It happened so hard and so fast I was disoriented. I sat on the forest floor and I couldn't get up. I remembered to use the tapping technique on certain areas of my face and collar bone. I was able to sit on the ground and tap. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being extremely challenged) I was a 10.  I did several rounds of the tapping and brought myself down to a 2. I did a few more rounds and I was able to stand. I finished the hike and I had no bruising or soreness in the following days. 

I have used tapping for injuries, stress, fear, and anger. Veterans with PTSD have been helped by tapping. Phobias such as fear of heights, flying, public speaking are wiped out with tapping. Tapping reduces, pain, bruising, bleeding, and speeds healing. It helps people move through emotions

Teach tapping to your children. Teach it to your church, and your community. You will be doing a world of good. 

Here is the first free video link on tapping- https://rd117.isrefer.com/go/2022-TWS-SNO-VS1/-WIREFOREST2/

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Deborah Moen

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Making Wooden Freedom Flags


Making Wooden Freedom Flags

 One morning I woke up with an idea to paint wooden freedom flags. I could gather some wood and paint flags that represent the countries around the world that were bravely standing up for their human rights. I planned on displaying them outside in the garden to bring about awareness and support.  Thousands upon thousands of people around the world are demonstrating their desire to end  restrictions that are forced upon us in ways that take away our human rights. 


 I loved the idea and hopped out of bed to get my chores done. I went outdoors to find some spare lumber laying around the barn. I found just what I needed. Next I got my bow saw out of the shed to cut 12"x 6". pieces. I used 2 two saw horses and a large clamp to help me steady the wood as I cut. 

Cutting the lumber for the wooden flags.

My wooden boards were cut and sanded. I stacked them in a tub and brought them indoors to paint. I had my first list of countries written down that I was aware of. As the days passed there were more.


I began with Canada. It took awhile to get the right size and 
shape of the Canadian maple leaf. 

I looked up images of the flags and painted them with left . I used acrylic paint then a coat of Mod Podge gloss, and finished with a gloss sealer spray to weather proof them because I was hanging them outside in the garden for all to see..

 My husband helped me with the mounting screws and wire hooks. I hung the finished flags on our windmill
and the trellis in our garden box. 

American, German, French flags were
  hung on our windmill.

Canadian, Netherlands, Italian, and UK flags. 

 There are many people standing up in peaceful demonstrations for their freedoms, our freedoms. 

A wave of freedom and love of country is spreading across the globe. Many more citizens in other  countries are joining. Some countries are lifting some of their restrictions and a few have lifted all of the restrictions. There are some countries that are ruled by dictators that have not budged.

I enjoyed this ongoing project and feel good about bringing some awareness and good vibes to humanity.  

 You can pray

You can visualize/imagine a peaceful world

You can light candles with love towards our fellow man all over the world

If you are able peacefully demonstrate.

Make your signs for Peace Liberty, Democracy, and Human Rights

Manage your emotions 

Use discernment - don't react

Remember worry never solved any world problems

If you can, say no. 

And most of all keep yourself well. Choose a few techniques and use them. 

Let us choose Love Peace and Unity


That's all I have to say about that. ~ Forest Gump


Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Until next time, 

Do something to support this wave of change for humanity. Many call it The Great Awakening. Ask God to guide you. That is what I did. I received an answer within a few days. 

Deborah Moen

Make Your Own Healing Water

Make your own healing water.

 I will share with you what my Feng Shui Master taught me about water blessings and then I will give you a simple water blessing that you can follow.

It was Spring of 2004. Before my gallbladder surgery,  my Feng Shui Master visited me with a special bottle of water. He told me to write the word, "Healing" on the bottle and cover it with a green cloth and make the Three Secret Reinforcements over the bottle then let it infuse over night. He told me it would change the molecular structure of the water. Then he instructed me to take sips of it during the day and when it was down to about 2" to fill it back up with distilled water. This was his way to bless the water. I also took affirmations with me to the hospital and used them. I even took them into the operating room with me.

Immediately after my surgery they gave me the initial pain medication, however, after that I did not need any pain relief. My tissue healed quickly and on my check up with the doctor he was amazed when he saw my healed incisions. His eyes opened wide and he took a few steps backwards. He said, "Well let's say you heal faster than most.

Here is the Simple Water Blessing

  1.  Place your hands on the bottled water or acknowledge the water with your gaze. Hold  the image of your desired outcome in your mind. You may feel a smile coming onto your face. 
  2. Say " I love you water. Bless me with your love." The water responds immediately to your loving words and your image of your desired outcome. Also the water molecules in your body respond to this loving image and your loving words.
  3. You can write the words love or healing on a piece of masking tape and place the tape on the bottle. You may also prepare a whole days worth of bottled water 
  4.  Place bottle on a green surface, paper, plate or wrap in green fabric with the intention that green is a healing color. If you associate another color with healing or love by all means use it. The more your ceremony has meaning for you the more effective it is.

It is important to note that our bodies and our environment are made up of about 72% water. If we know that words, thoughts, and emotions can change the water then how would it change how we speak to each other or to ourselves?  

To charge the water 

  1. simply acknowledge the intelligence within each molecule 
  2. be appreciative, loving and respectful as you drink it. Convey love, abundance, health, and peace.
3 You can say, while holding the bottle
Water I love you. 


Water I respect you. 


Water I thank you.


We can reflect our desires into the water and it will reflect back to us. How beautiful and wonderful this is. Thoughts of love, abundance, health, and peace will reflect into the water and love, abundance, health, and peace will flow through us as we drink it and it will also infuse the vibration throughout the water molecules in our body or anywhere water is.

Read more about Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments in his book Messages From Water
In Dr Masaru Emoto's experiments words that held a specific vibration like hate or love affected the water.


Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until next time.
Give this water blessing a try

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems  

Until next time
Be Well 

I made a greeting card that you can give someone in need of a water blessing with the instructions inside the card. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The RAS-It Seeks Out What Is On Your Mind

This little bundle of nerves in back of your brain is responsible for seeking out what is on your mind and filtering out what you do not yet know or have no concern over.

Not too many people know about this physical component of how things come into our  awareness.. Animals also have this which helps them find what they are hunting for. 
  •  when we see things that match what we thought or saw just the day before
  •  have an answer come to us easily, or see that perfect gift on a commercial we been searching for 
  •  notice a friend in a crowd we have been thinking of.

  A part of these experiences are what we may call synchronicity, coincidence, serendipity. We have discovered this physical component of the RAS we can now assume that it is certainly a part within a universal plan to assist us in effortlessly discovering the very thing we are seeking.  That is why it is best to let go of the outcome. We attract what we focus on. If we pursue looking for these hidden treasures and find they are "not there" you may focus on that they are not there and this is what will reflect back to us until we let go  and allow it to come naturally. It is always a delightful surprise which seems comes out of the blue. Our  body, mind, spirit, emotions and our 5 senses are woven  into the fabric of our eternal life and work together to bring us our experiences. 

At any one time there exists opposites of good and bad, positive and negative, dark and light. When we are focused our interests, and positive aspects Reticular Activation System (RAS)  seeks out  more of that. The opposite is true as well.  We can focus on abuse, disease, or poverty or we can focus on our abundance, wellness, opportunities and the good aspects of our relationships. Each of us has a choice and opportunity to have a good life.

 Back in 1991 I began to notice what was dominantly on my mind began showing up in my reality. One family I was friends with had an orange Volkswagen with a grey fender. I began noticing them everywhere! I became aware of these objects or people or opportunities showing up in my experience and began writing about them, photographing and chronicling the occurrences. I have tubs full of these testimonies in which I was going to reveal to the world.  I called this phenomenon "The Orange Volkswagen Theory".

The RAS,  that bundle of nerves in the back of our brain moves before us vibrationally in every movement of our life seeking what we are aligned with. 

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until next time
Be Well !

I have moved my social platform from Facebook to MeWe. My Page is called Self Care 365 Techniques and Info. I am uncensored on MeWe and report many events that have an impact on our well-being. It is very easy to sign up on MeWe and their phone app is very good. You can get it on Google Play. 

Register for MeWe
Here is my page link  Self Care 365 Techniques and Info 

Deborah Moen

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How To Get Into The Present Moment 101

How To Get Into The Present Moment


When I am anxious, sad, frustrated, angry, or negative, or scampering about like a hamster gathering nuts for winter, my mind is drifting to a past event or charging forward into the future like a wild horse. I'll say it again, my well-being exists in the present moment. 

How to get into the present moment? 
You ground yourself:

Stop what you are doing  
  • feel your feet on the ground
  •  notice the temperature of the room on your skin
  •  feel your breath go in and out of your body
  •  notice something in the space around you like furniture or the color of paint on the walls. If it is outdoors do the same. sit down, feel your feet on the ground, feel if it is warm or cool weather,  feel your breathe flow in and out, look at the sky, the shape of the clouds, and notice the landscape the trees and plants. It is just that easy. 

The present moment is the only place where you have the power to change. When you are regretting the past or worried about the future you are not all there. You are shutting off the good available to you. 

  • Take a several deep breaths
  • Ground yourself

My First Present Moment Experience

I was on 4 day vacation in the San Bernardino Mountains, CA. We had rented a lovely cabin by a lake. While unloading the car, I began to worry about what a drag it will be to have to pack up and go home. There I was in this beautiful environment and instead of enjoying it and breathing in the fresh air, I was complaining and dreading the future. 

 " Just stop", I said to myself.  I had decided right there and then to  practice what I had just learned in my Huna class. I trotted myself into the cabin to find a comfy place to sit, and begin my in the present moment practice.

Important ! Every time. As soon as you become aware of worry, fear or regret you know you are either in the past or the future. This is only an illusion.  It is time to take action and get into the present moment. 

Here is how I got into the present moment.

Inside the cabin, I chose an area near the stairway leading up to the loft. I sat down there on a large ottoman. I took a breath and I must say it felt a bit weird and I wondered if this exercise would help me at all. I looked around the room and began identifying everything in the environment around me.  I began with the wall and its color and texture. I continued to name each feature in that room one at a time. It was very easy. 
  • the rug was an unusual pale blue and luxurious 
  • my seat was comfy and soft as a marshmallow and the upholstery was a pretty pale salmon color
  • pillows on the couch looked so soft and they were different colors and textures
  • stairway looked mysterious I wondered what it would be like to go up them.
  • my feet were on the ground
  • my hands in my lap
  • I can feel my breath flowing in and out

By this time I noticed I was calm and content. I was in the present moment ! I now had a tool to use anywhere, anytime that would transport me into the present. I had a great time on that vacation. 

The more I used this tool the more I was able to train myself to switch into the present moment where I have power over my life. Worry and fear was a habit I had developed over the years. That was twenty years ago but I still practice present moment awareness.

While you bring yourself back into the present moment:
Breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. And notice how that feels.


 In order to stop that busy head of ours, we must pause for a moment and turn our attention inward to our experience that is happening at that moment. It could be objects or as you get used to practicing try sensing your hands.  Use the tool. Bring yourself into the moment where you have access to solutions, guidance and happiness. 

You can do this anywhere.

  • In the workplace
  • On the bus
  • In bed
  • Do it In the park


 It works if you work it and it won't if you don't. 

 You will notice it gets easier with practice.

Deborah Moen

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems 

Until next time 
Bring yourself into the present moment where your power is.

Check out My Meditation Page. There are meditation videos you can try. 

I have successfully transitioned from Facebook to an uncensored social media platform called MeWe.  

Register for MeWe
Here is my page link  Self Care 365 Techniques and Info 

My Friend Had Covid

  My Friend Had Covid - Deborahs Little Gems Read :This is not a substitute for medical care or medication. This is a few suggestions for ma...