I will share with you what my Feng Shui Master taught me about water blessings and then I will give you a simple water blessing that you can follow.
It was Spring of 2004. Before my gallbladder surgery, my Feng Shui Master visited me with a special bottle of water. He told me to write the word, "Healing" on the bottle and cover it with a green cloth and make the Three Secret Reinforcements over the bottle then let it infuse over night. He told me it would change the molecular structure of the water. Then he instructed me to take sips of it during the day and when it was down to about 2" to fill it back up with distilled water. This was his way to bless the water. I also took affirmations with me to the hospital and used them. I even took them into the operating room with me.
It was Spring of 2004. Before my gallbladder surgery, my Feng Shui Master visited me with a special bottle of water. He told me to write the word, "Healing" on the bottle and cover it with a green cloth and make the Three Secret Reinforcements over the bottle then let it infuse over night. He told me it would change the molecular structure of the water. Then he instructed me to take sips of it during the day and when it was down to about 2" to fill it back up with distilled water. This was his way to bless the water. I also took affirmations with me to the hospital and used them. I even took them into the operating room with me.
Immediately after my surgery they gave me the initial pain medication, however, after that I did not need any pain relief. My tissue healed quickly and on my check up with the doctor he was amazed when he saw my healed incisions. His eyes opened wide and he took a few steps backwards. He said, "Well let's say you heal faster than most.
Here is the Simple Water Blessing
- Place your hands on the bottled water or acknowledge the water with your gaze. Hold the image of your desired outcome in your mind. You may feel a smile coming onto your face.
- Say " I love you water. Bless me with your love." The water responds immediately to your loving words and your image of your desired outcome. Also the water molecules in your body respond to this loving image and your loving words.
- You can write the words love or healing on a piece of masking tape and place the tape on the bottle. You may also prepare a whole days worth of bottled water
- Place bottle on a green surface, paper, plate or wrap in green fabric with the intention that green is a healing color. If you associate another color with healing or love by all means use it. The more your ceremony has meaning for you the more effective it is.
It is important to note that our bodies and our environment are made up of about 72% water. If we know that words, thoughts, and emotions can change the water then how would it change how we speak to each other or to ourselves?
To charge the water
We can reflect our desires into the water and it will reflect back to us. How beautiful and wonderful this is. Thoughts of love, abundance, health, and peace will reflect into the water and love, abundance, health, and peace will flow through us as we drink it and it will also infuse the vibration throughout the water molecules in our body or anywhere water is.
Read more about Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments in his book Messages From Water. In Dr Masaru Emoto's experiments words that held a specific vibration like hate or love affected the water.
- simply acknowledge the intelligence within each molecule
- be appreciative, loving and respectful as you drink it. Convey love, abundance, health, and peace.
3 You can say, while holding the bottle
Water I love you.
Water I respect you.
Water I thank you.
We can reflect our desires into the water and it will reflect back to us. How beautiful and wonderful this is. Thoughts of love, abundance, health, and peace will reflect into the water and love, abundance, health, and peace will flow through us as we drink it and it will also infuse the vibration throughout the water molecules in our body or anywhere water is.
Read more about Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments in his book Messages From Water. In Dr Masaru Emoto's experiments words that held a specific vibration like hate or love affected the water.
Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until next time.
Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until next time
Be Well
I made a greeting card that you can give someone in need of a water blessing with the instructions inside the card.
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