Monday, June 29, 2015

Make An Intuitive Crystal Grid

The Intuitive Crystal Grid ( No right or wrong way ) 

Crystal Grid
#sacred #symbols #ceremony #healing #crystsals

I will show you how I made my intuitive crystal grid.

Don't let the word intuitive freak you out. You are a natural at it even if you do not think so. It is simply following how you feel and what you like. Your intuition is your kind friend and supports your well-being. Follow it.

Use what comes to mind
  • do not over analyze
  •  just be you 
  • follow what you feel.  
  • there is no right or wrong way

An intuitive crystal grid can be made for manifesting or actualizing anything. After all you are a deliberate co-creator aren't you?

  1.  Find a tray or a plate to place it on or make one on your altar. I happened to have this awesome garnet hexagon-like platter.
  2. Make an intention or state your desire.  Source gets on board and becomes it right away, not just agrees with you, but becomes the full non-physical embodiment of that and holds that vibrational frequency which is like a guiding light for you to find your way to your desire.
  3. Now all you got to do is make your grid and let go. 
  4. Decide to let go of worry and through one least resistant thought at a time, work up to appreciating life and noticing the blessings. In doing that you will match the vibration of the desire or intent.
  5. Begin this non resistant path by saying, "This or something better will manifest for me." 
It is so basic.

I made this for my hen, Daisy May. She got well because as I let go, I relaxed, and was able to be aware of inspirational moment to moment information about what to feed her which transformed her energy and balanced her body. Letting go is key in assisting and influencing a healing. The Intuitive Crystal Grid helped me do that and it was really fun. 

Here was how I created my Intuitive Crystal Grid
Choose your crystals by color, how they feel or properties and vibration. I have the book Love is In the Earth by Melodie to look up the properties and influences of crystals. 

Intuitive Crystal Grid by DeborahMoen
#sacred #crystals # ceremony # ritual #healing #transformation

  • I wanted a meaningful centerpiece so I chose a stone that has a mauve-pink center which looks like a heart to me.
  • I placed a short quartz wand at the top standing vertically to symbolize and connect to the highest vibration of Love. 
  • I placed the aventurine, amazonite and crystal quartz to the right one after the other
  • I placed flourite and 2 moon stones on the left one after the other.
  • the stone I can feel strongest is rutilated quartz so I placed them below near the stones I already placed to enhance them.
  • amethyst was placed bottom center 
  • citrines were place on either side of the amethyst
I felt my intuitive crystal grid was perfect and it gave me such joy to make this. I left it sitting overnight and slept like a baby because I knew the outcome was in God's ( good) Hands. Letting go and moving forward with joy is key in influencing or assisting transformation. 

I have a friend that also uses magnets and weaves a sacred symbol through the objects with her mind. 

I enjoyed sharing this with you.

Thank you for visiting Deborh's Little Gems ( 24,242 page views)
Until next time
Be Well 
Deborah Moen
Life Mentor, Teacher, Reiki Master 
Contact me : 
Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals - The Reference Book Describing the Metaphysical Properties of the Mineral Kingdom

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Change Your State of Health With This

Still Struggling? There are enough techniques and methods available to cure any issue, situation, or ailment. Do you use them or do you procrastinate? 

Sometimes we have a belief deep inside that we do not deserve to be healthy. For whatever the reason, here is a solution. It is amazing how fast this works. Try it and see for yourself.

You Got the Power !


I use this to dissolve a negative belief and then I use it again to reinforce a new belief that supports my well-being. Simple and portable. 

 Vibrational solutions using the body and mind heart emoticon I find it works on everything and dissolves pain, stress, and old beliefs. also speeds healing and eliminates or reduces swelling and bleeding with injuries. 

Do it before your Dr's visit and see what happens. You might discover your own power to help yourself heal or balance your body and mind. Woo Hoo ! What a revelation that would be, huh? Just imagine the feeling of power you have over your own life. 

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Until next time,

Be Well,

Deborah Moen

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Woman Behind Energy Medicine - Donna Eden

The Woman Behind Eden Energy Medicine

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I just read this and wanted to share it with you

It is so inspirational and may give you some creative affirmations and acknowledgment you need to move forward. 

An Interview with Donna Eden

By Jana Messing

Reprinted from InnerResources Magazine
The following interview was written for a special issue, "The Spirit of Donna Eden's Energy Medicine" of the magazine InnerResources Magazine.
This interview is reprinted over a series of Donna Eden's Energy e-Letters
My interview with Donna took place on February 25, 2010...


Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems ( page views 23,513 )
Such a wonderful world we live in to have all these tips and info at our fingertips.
Stay tuned for my next post Intuitive Crystal Grids
Until next time,
BE WELL You can do it ! Take one step towards your good life today.

Deborah Moen
Positive Healing Consultant
Tell me your story and I will create your course of action with support.
Contact me here

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