Ceremony |
I have taken The Four Candles Story (author unknown) and presented it as ceremony for my family and my students. It is truly a lovely ceremony that your participants will love to share with their family and friends. Print out copies of The Four Candle Story/Ceremony to share with them. You will be creating a beautiful space for healing and communion with our spiritual selves.
Here is what you will need:
- 4 long tapered candles and holders
- Lighter or matches
- Music ( I play Ava Maria afterwards for reflecting) I have included the music below. Music tends to open the heart and creates a spiritual space for reflection.
- Festive table runner or decorative cloth (optional) and copy of The Four Candle Story/Ceremony
Ceremony for the Four Candles Story :
A few weeks or days before the ceremony make an announcement through that you are offering The Four Candles Story/Ceremony and invite the participants to come. Note: this could also be an intimate simple ceremony at the dinner table with your family. Do add the music for inspiration. No need to go all out but if you want to here are the details.
On the day of the ceremony:
- Prepare by setting the table with the table runner or cloth, 4 candles and lighter, before your participants enter the room
- Set up the music so it is easy to play after the Four Candle Story/Ceremony.
- When your participants are seated welcome them the ceremony, turn down the lights and begin lighting all 4 candles
- say the following
Their ambiance was so soft you could hear them speak...
The first candle said, "I Am Peace, but these days, nobody wants to keep me lit."
Then Peace's flame slowly diminished and went out completely.
5. Extinguish The Candle of Peace
6. Say the following:
The second candle said, "I Am Faith, but these days, I am no longer indispensable."
Then Faith's flame slowly diminished and went out completely.
7. Extinguish the Second Candle of Faith
8. Say the following:
Sadly the third candle spoke, "I Am Love and I haven't the strength to stay lit any longer."
"People put me aside and don't understand my importance.
They even forget to love those who are nearest to them."
And waiting no longer, Love went out completely.
9. Extinguish the Third Candle of Love
10. Say the following:
A child entered the room and saw the three candles no longer burning.
The child began to cry,
"Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit until the end."
Then the Fourth Candle spoke gently to the little boy,
"Don't be afraid, for I Am Hope, and while I still burn,
we can re-light the other candles."
With shining eyes, the child took the Candle of Hope
and lit the other three candles.
11. Light the 3 candles with the fourth candle of hope
12. Say the following:
Never let the Flame of Hope go out.
With Hope in your life, no matter how bad things may be,
Peace, Faith and Love may shine brightly once again.
13. Play the music while the candles are a glow ( not too loud but audible for all to hear)
14. After the music has stopped playing allow a few moment of silence and allow time for discussion or fellowship. This is a nice time for refreshments or dinner. How about a toast to PEACE, FAITH, LOVE and HOPE.
Ceremony offers an outlet for expressing that which our busy lives seem to have no room for. We can create space and include ceremony into our lives to nurture our spirit, open our hearts, celebrate life and to ease the stresses we experience along our life's path. - Deborah Moen
Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until Next Time,
Be Well
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