Law of Attraction is mysterious unseen force. Our brain is involved in the process by determining what revealed to us by what we focus on most of the time. There is a tiny group of cells the size of your little finger tip located in your brain called the Reticular Activation System or RAS. Your RAS is a station for incoming sensory impulses. It is an automatic mechanism inside your brain that brings relevant information to your attention according to your beliefs and perceptions.
The human brain sees and hears only what we are conditioned to see or hear. Our brains delete whatever information is not in line with our set of beliefs, biases and prejudices. We focus on our perceptions and set the RAS to make decisions.
The mind sees only what it is trained to see. If the mind is not open to it, it will pass by unnoticed. Deborah Moen
Sometimes it may be your own doing through your perceptions and belief systems, sometimes it is brilliant marketing or propaganda that has snuck in there.
It is interesting to note that the RAS is responsible for revealing what you ask for and it also reveals to you what you fear or hate or do not want. It reveals to you what you focus on.
For example: When you are thinking I do not want to eat candy, the RAS hears only that you are focusing on "candy" and your attention to candy will be sorted as an important conscious bit of information to notice "candy" everywhere. Candy will be in your face 24/7.
Another way to focus on your desire to eat less candy would be to say or think, I "allow" a healthy lifestyle or I desire nutritious foods. Your RAS will sort that information as important and all opportunities in your experience that represent healthy eating will be easily noticed.
This phenomena works with everything. If you fear spiders and focus on that, chances are your RAS will seek them out and you are going to spot them everywhere. When you have your mind on a new car you will begin to see the exact make and model in places you never saw them before. You will see that particular car everywhere. If you fight against cancer, war, gangs, the government you will notice and experience more of the "fight" than the solution. If you think the world is out to get you then you will notice all the incidents that prove this true. If you are worried about parking, your RAS will affirm there is no parking by blocking available empty spots from your awareness. When we are confident a parking space will show up our RAS will seek it out. You do not have to believe in this for it to work. This mechanism is working whether you are aware of it or believe in it or not.
The FEDEX White Arrow
A FEDEX truck. We see them everywhere. Have you noticed the white arrow in the logo? |
Look closely between the green letters E and X Most people have not noticed this white arrow. |
The mind sees only what it is trained to see. When the mind is not open to it, "it" will pass by unnoticed. Deborah Moen
Abraham Lincoln said, "If you look for the bad in people you will surely find it".
BUT...If you look for the good in people you will surely find it. The choice is yours. This is where these tiny little cells in our brain called the Reticular Activation System can with awareness and retraining, help us achieve success and attain our goals and help us recognize all the goodies that come along on, what I used to call, the conveyor belt of life.
When we are aware of this function of the brain and set out to understand it and retrain our beliefs and responses to life, we begin to notice that the right book, just the right phrase we catch on TV, a phone call, or a billboard will magically show up.
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The Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria |
The NiƱa, The Pinta and The Santa Maria came across the ocean in the breaking waves. It is said the natives were blind to the ships because they had no-thing in their experience to reference them to. This is a feature of the RAS.
The RAS and Law of Attraction
The film The Secret began a surge of awareness of universal law called the Law of Attraction (LOA). But successful people throughout history have been aware of a phenomenon that like attracts like. There are those people who interpreted The Secret
Those who have studied Law of Attraction know that it is working whether you know it or not. The law of gravity is working whether you are aware it or not. One of the main keys to an abundant life is living in a state of allowing, releasing resistance, finding relief and better feeling thoughts, becoming appreciative with our life now and experiencing happiness and joy. The Non-Physical part of us is always in this blissful state. Getting the mind used to this way of thinking takes practice. But once you begin to notice the subtle and not so subtle differences that occur as a result of this practice, you will know come to know a happiness and peace aligned with your spirit. This alignment is downloaded into our RAS brain function and begins to assist you in seeking those things you desire automatically.
I will leave you with this story
Author unknown:
A wise old man sat by the side of the road. A traveler approached and inquired about the village that lay ahead.
"What kind of people live there?"
The old man asked, "What kind of people lived in the town you just left?"
The traveler responded, "Oh, they were awful people, thieves and villains...liars and cheats."
The old man said "Well, that's exactly the kind of people in the village up ahead."
Presently another traveler approached and asked, "What sort of people live in the town over that hill?"
The old man asked him what kind of folks he had left behind.
The traveler replied "Oh they were wonderful, warm people - the kindest folks ever." And the old man said.....
"Ah, well that's just the kind of people you'll find up ahead."
Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
Until Next Time
Be Well !
Related information and Further Study:
The History of the phrase Law of Attraction as early as 1879 during the Gold rush Days of Missouri in a The New York Times article. good RAS-for-goal-setting
The Immortal I A Unified Theory of Psychology, Neurology and the Kingdom of God
by Eugene B. Shea
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