Monday, September 9, 2013

My Epiphany and The Sedona Method

Every morning I walk through the country and marvel at the glorious manifestation of moving from  the busy city life to living in the country on a farm by using law of attraction, art of allowing, visions boards, "acting as if" and singing little mantras and songs that I had made up to ease my mind. It is a truly magnificent manifestation for me.

I have discovered for myself that the dreaming, desiring, all the processes, namely the journey there, are really the adventure and I have so much fun with it. The receiving part, even for a manifestation this good, was a challenge for me. Well you know what they say about challenges/contrast, it develops more desire and preference and so that is manifested as well. So it is all, good indeed. 

Back to my morning walk.

I am listening to a free download of the Sedona Method which really gave me an ah HA moment. Whew! What a relief* and such a wonderful, easy, non resistant solution to end my 4 year hiatus from teaching and therapy practice in California. Now in Utah, I can now see how to present myself in ways that is so downstream ( easy) for me and this new community in Utah that I actually get little butterflies of joy and delight where there was once a gigantic question mark and confusion and a few tears of defeat.

I will keep my solution under wraps for a while as it is still tender and new within my conscious and let it brew and blossom. Now my point of attraction is positive and vibrant. As I live and breathe I align with this new discovery and solution. More will be revealed! Ah don't you love it when this happens? 

The movie The Secret talks about how if you hold the best for ourselves in mind you can attract what you desire. Many of us who are learning about the law of attraction are searching for ways to stay in that positive frame of mind that will attract our desired manifestations. 

Here is a link for free MP3 downloads in which Hale Dwoskin helps guide us through the Sedona Method . He was a teacher on the movie The Secret. Many of the teachers on the The Secret use the Sedona Method to help their students and clients open to a new perspective on their challenges. I have benefited tremendously from the process and find Hale's voice kind and encouraging.

Thank you kindly for visiting Deborah's Little Gems. Until next time keep the best for you in mind and happy manifesting. Oh and you can find me here on Facebook

Deborah 'Moon' 

Sale at Hay House Inc
Hay House, Inc. 125x125

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