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Love Rainbow Red, orange, yellow, green blue, purple, violet sparkles |
Benefits are endless but here are a few:
- Reconciliation with family
- Re-connection with old friends
- Increase in financial abundance
- More opportunities open
- Epiphanies and synchronity
- Feeling and looking younger
- Feeling stronger more energized.
- Love eternally flowing through your words, thoughts, eyes and ears.
- Wellness and well-being
- Boost immune function
- Balance your emotional centers/chakras
The reason we do not feel this Love is because we are either stressed out, resentful, busy in our head or pissed off at someone or something or afraid of what the future may bring. All of this blocks the Love that is forever flowing and growing in and around ALL OF US.
How To Reconnect to Love
Miracle , epiphanies and those ah ha moments are happening everyday. I have discovered with all my body, mind, and emotions that LOVE is indeed flowing at all times through me and around me and YOU too. Love is available always and eternally for us to utilize, benefit from, and enjoy. Universal Love, God's Love, flows through all situations and all things. It is a Universal Truth. This practice has changed the way I perceive life.
Follow this simple meditation with light gentle touch. Savor each part. Release all your worries and allow the depth of this love within you to emerge. By placing the hands lightly you will awaken nerves, tissue, muscle and increase blood flow. you will connect mind and body. In time you will feel deep layers of sensation and relaxation. It will balance your energy centers, give you intuitive clarity and boost your immune function.
Follow this simple meditation with light gentle touch. Savor each part. Release all your worries and allow the depth of this love within you to emerge. By placing the hands lightly you will awaken nerves, tissue, muscle and increase blood flow. you will connect mind and body. In time you will feel deep layers of sensation and relaxation. It will balance your energy centers, give you intuitive clarity and boost your immune function.
During this practice your mind may drift to visions and memories and ideas. Once you are aware you drifted off just return back to your practice. Keep practicing daily. In time you will feel the benefits.
Make a Human Rainbow
I practice my Reiki before I hop out of bed every morning. I prepare by connecting to the highest realm of Love and Light by gently touching the crown or top of my head until I sense that heavenly place that I think of or sense God, heaven and angels. (See the heart above the head in my painting to the right). Stay there and feel the sensation of this higher realm. It is uplifting.
I lightly touch my forehead or third eye and silently ask to see the Love that exists in all things. Keep sensing this area.
I lightly touch my forehead or third eye and silently ask to see the Love that exists in all things. Keep sensing this area.
I place my hands over my ears and ask to hear the Love that is forever flowing to me and within me at all times. Think about what love sounds like. Perhaps the wind, the birds, affirmations, acknowledgment etc. Sense the feeling of the connection, the heat, or heartbeat within your ears.
I cup my hands over my eyes blocking out any light ( not touching my eyes but the bones around my eyes and forehead.) and ask to see with clarity the seen and unseen, to see the words on the page with clarity and crispness, to see the birds flying in the clouds to see auras and energy. Feel the heat generated by my cupped hands over my eyes. I open my eyes under my cupped hands and ask for my eye lenses to relax. I see black when my eyes are completely relaxed.
I cup my hands gently over my throat and ask to communicate with this ever flowing river of Love to speak, write and sing with Love and kindness. I support my arms and relax my shoulders to ease these positions.
I place my hands over my heart and ask to believe in the Love that lives and pulsates at all times. Because I have experienced this eternal love I say, I do.
If you feel any stress in these areas ask your guides or angels to help release them.
If you feel any stress in these areas ask your guides or angels to help release them.
I place my hands over my solar plexus and ask to stomach, or to feel worthy and receive with grace, the Love which is flowing at all times to me and within me. Really feel the sensations in the solar plexus. Ask Archangel Michael to sever the emotional cords with anyone that keeps you from forgiveness or enjoying your life and well-being.
I place my hands on my lower belly and ask to create with the Love that is forever flowing through me.
I place my hands on the groin area and thigh and ask that I utilize all of Earth, all this physical plane with confidence, feeling supported, feeling joy and appreciation and a spirit of playfulness.
I connect to the heart in the center of the earth which beats to the rhythm of my own heart. I create a glowing rainbow by bringing the warm red energy of this earth heart up through my feet, into my legs feeling grounded and supported.
I draw the energy up into my hips and navel until it burst brightly with orange. Say silently, I create with LOVE. I see the red and orange glowing together.
I let this energy rise into my solar plexus and it glows brilliant yellow. I say silently, I am worthy of this LOVE and I receive graciously. I see the red, orange and yellow glowing brightly from my body.
I draw this love into my heart. I say I believe in the Eternal flow of love and visualize my heart center glowing bright emerald green. I add this green to the rainbow I am creating.
The energy flows up into my throat and emanates a crystal blue light. I imagine my communication to be within the realm of this Loving energy.
I feel the energy of this LOVE flow up into my third eye (forehead) and the energy radiates a divine purple. I see all the Love that flows eternally through all situations and things.I visualize all the colors of the rainbow radiating from my body and mind.
The flow of LOVE brilliantly rises up through my crown radiating violet and divine light and sparkles. I am connected to the Realm of Love and Light.
I am now a radiant rainbow of balanced energy, Love and Light.
I finish this practice with a long stretch reaching out through my fingers and toes. This opens my radiant circuits.
It took me 4 weeks of daily Reiki practice to learn this and be able to visualize the rainbow of energy beaming outward from these areas. This rainbow of balanced energy attracts beautiful experiences to me and it will for you too.
Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems (31,220 page views)
Practice daily, you will reap the benefits and so will the world.
I have made a special card with my painting which includes this meditation inside.
Practice daily, you will reap the benefits and so will the world.
I have made a special card with my painting which includes this meditation inside.
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