Sunday, September 27, 2015

Stress And You

Stress and You
 art by Deborah Moen

In a vintage 1960's black and white clip, a patient was being seen for a very painful ulcer. When the doctor, shown in the quintessential white coat, told his patient, " You need to work on your attitude. I stopped the video and broke into the most raucous laughter I had in ages. I turned the video back on and the patient replied to the doctor's advice with " Finding another doctor looks like better answer to me. " The patient walked out of the room.

It shows exactly how we must begin again to treat illness, pain, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, flu, heart and vascular disease. By changing our attitude. Everywhere I look I see information regarding changing your brain and how you think, being conscious of the way you feel, and the stressors in life and how to calm the heck down. And this documentary shows you why it is so important.

It was gospel back in the day of black and white, amongst the medical community that ulcers were caused by stress. That is until the 1980's when an Australian doctor identified a bacteria as the cause of ulcers.

There was a celebration amongst all the gastrologists that they would never have to sit down with a patient, look them in the eye and ask them how it was going because ulcers were now considered to be caused by this bacteria and not stress. 

 A pill came out that helped with ulcers. Case closed. Stress did not cause ulcers !

Not so fast !

In a few years the research took a new twist. 

Science discovered that this ulcer causing bacteria was unique. As much as 2/3 of the world's population has it so why do only a fraction of these people develop ulcers?

They found that when we are stressed the body shuts down the systems that are not important to fight or flight, including the immune functions. And if your immune function is turned off then these bacteria could run a muck. And begin eating away at the stomach and cause ulcers.

Check out the word, disease.


Dis-   prefix meaning; without, away, lack there of 

Ease   Peace quiet, lack of difficulty

If stress can undermined the immune function then what other havoc can it work?

So in conclusion,

  • Change your attitude. Work on your attitude.
  • Your disease breeds on the wrong kinds of feelings.
  • You have got to be honest with yourself with the way you feel about things.

Find a doctor, counselor, coach, therapist, mentor, that knows how to help you relieve your stress without pills.


Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

Until next time,
Be Well !

Deborah Moen


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How To Stop People Pleasing

Are you tired, listless, resentful ? Are you people pleasing again? 

  • Are you saying yes when your heart is saying no?  
  • Do you feel obligated to go along with the crowd?
  • Do you feel angry and resentful of others because you do so much for them with not so much as a thank you?
Well if you answered yes to any of those questions, answer this.

Are you afraid to speak up for yourself or set boundaries?

 Many of us have been in this sort of situation. We may have been talked into something or stuck in having to do something we do not want to do.  We may have felt obligated or forced. And what about those of you who do things for others but not yourself? Here is a list of some feelings that people pleasers may have.

  • feeling obligated to help
  • wanting people to like us
  • afraid to voice our true opinion
  • afraid to stand out in the crowd
  • afraid to be different
  • unappreciated after "doing so much for others"
  •  overburdened
  • tired and frustrated
  • resentful
  • over committed
  • invalidated 
  • energy depleted
  • angry

Had enough ? 

Here is what you do...a two letter word will take care of it. And if you could add a smile that would be a nice touch. the word is...


or No. Thank you

If you say no will you feel guilty? Are you worried that people will think you are lazy or just don't care? 

Pssst.... It is OK to say "No".

People-pleasers “want everyone around them to be happy and they will do whatever is asked of them to” keep it that way.

Susan Newman PhD 

People-pleasers may be addicted to pleasing others or lack self-confidence or have co-dependent behaviors.  

This is a flashing red sign to those who like to take advantage of others. They will come to you like a magnet. 

If you are sick and tired of people pleasing, there is hope. You may be sick of it enough to want to change it, turn it around, and feel the benefits of expressing your true self.

Be True To YOU
Follow these 5 easy steps 

Next time when you get the opportunity to people-please,


           Just pause a moment and take a breath

          Feel what is going on inside you. If it is uncomfortable not to volunteer this is just because it is new to you. Remember what happens when you volunteer too quickly? You have reacted to these feelings in the past and done things you wished you hadn't . Now is the time to create a pleasant experience.


           Take a few deep breaths and let go of the impulse to step in and act. Shake it off.


            Saying no is not selfish. Saying no is a form of self-care. Say no silently to yourself or say a very polite and confident "no thank you" out loud.

5. SMILE and move forward don't look back

            YAY ! You did it !

Here is a good rule of thumb:

If it feels good, go through with it. Enjoy every moment.
If it doesn't feel good or if you get a tension in your solar plexus. that would be your body giving you a message not to do it.

It takes practice to change a habit.  Put yourself first.

In time you will regain your energy and reap the rewards of being your true self. There will be times you will truly want to help or volunteer. You can yes to that.

Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

( page views 25,600)
Until next time,
Remember it is OK to say no.

Deborah Moen
Deborah's Little Gems

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Reframing Your Life Story With Archetypes

Reframing Your Life Story 

Are you still telling that old dark, dramatic, tear jerking story of your life? How is that working for you?

When we tell the dark sides of our life story it tends to keep us in that old mindset. You may want to try a process called reframing.  When finished, you will have a true story of your positive aspects and you can toss those negative aspects into the trash.

     OBJECTIVE:  to turn lemons into lemonade.

        I reframed my old war stories with positive archetypes. 

Note:  Archetype is a typical character, action or situation that seem to represent a universal pattern of human nature. You can Google for a list of archetypes if you need one or be creative. 

        Here is the process of Reframing your Life Story With Archetypes

        1. I drew a vertical line down a clean sheet, in my new journal, and notched it beginning at child, then teenager, then 20'...30's...40's...50's (See Image at top)
        2. I then thought about these eras in my life and created positive archetypes. For example: To replace the fearful childhood and tension in my family, I remembered a positive aspect and re-framed myself in that era as Peacemaker. I suffered from nightmares as a child and reframed that as a Creative Dreamer.  

        As I went down the stages of life, I discovered many positive aspects of me such as Nature Lover, Healer, Artist, Shaman, Teacher, and more. I only needed to do this process once. It clearly defined who I was and I was so ready to let go of the old perception of me and my life. It also inspired me to forgive. 

        I hope this post about reframing your life story with archetypes was helpful to you. It is a great exercise. 

                Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

                Until next time, 
                Be Well !

              Deborah Moen

              Monday, June 29, 2015

              Make An Intuitive Crystal Grid

              The Intuitive Crystal Grid ( No right or wrong way ) 

              Crystal Grid
              #sacred #symbols #ceremony #healing #crystsals

              I will show you how I made my intuitive crystal grid.

              Don't let the word intuitive freak you out. You are a natural at it even if you do not think so. It is simply following how you feel and what you like. Your intuition is your kind friend and supports your well-being. Follow it.

              Use what comes to mind
              • do not over analyze
              •  just be you 
              • follow what you feel.  
              • there is no right or wrong way

              An intuitive crystal grid can be made for manifesting or actualizing anything. After all you are a deliberate co-creator aren't you?

              1.  Find a tray or a plate to place it on or make one on your altar. I happened to have this awesome garnet hexagon-like platter.
              2. Make an intention or state your desire.  Source gets on board and becomes it right away, not just agrees with you, but becomes the full non-physical embodiment of that and holds that vibrational frequency which is like a guiding light for you to find your way to your desire.
              3. Now all you got to do is make your grid and let go. 
              4. Decide to let go of worry and through one least resistant thought at a time, work up to appreciating life and noticing the blessings. In doing that you will match the vibration of the desire or intent.
              5. Begin this non resistant path by saying, "This or something better will manifest for me." 
              It is so basic.

              I made this for my hen, Daisy May. She got well because as I let go, I relaxed, and was able to be aware of inspirational moment to moment information about what to feed her which transformed her energy and balanced her body. Letting go is key in assisting and influencing a healing. The Intuitive Crystal Grid helped me do that and it was really fun. 

              Here was how I created my Intuitive Crystal Grid
              Choose your crystals by color, how they feel or properties and vibration. I have the book Love is In the Earth by Melodie to look up the properties and influences of crystals. 

              Intuitive Crystal Grid by DeborahMoen
              #sacred #crystals # ceremony # ritual #healing #transformation

              • I wanted a meaningful centerpiece so I chose a stone that has a mauve-pink center which looks like a heart to me.
              • I placed a short quartz wand at the top standing vertically to symbolize and connect to the highest vibration of Love. 
              • I placed the aventurine, amazonite and crystal quartz to the right one after the other
              • I placed flourite and 2 moon stones on the left one after the other.
              • the stone I can feel strongest is rutilated quartz so I placed them below near the stones I already placed to enhance them.
              • amethyst was placed bottom center 
              • citrines were place on either side of the amethyst
              I felt my intuitive crystal grid was perfect and it gave me such joy to make this. I left it sitting overnight and slept like a baby because I knew the outcome was in God's ( good) Hands. Letting go and moving forward with joy is key in influencing or assisting transformation. 

              I have a friend that also uses magnets and weaves a sacred symbol through the objects with her mind. 

              I enjoyed sharing this with you.

              Thank you for visiting Deborh's Little Gems ( 24,242 page views)
              Until next time
              Be Well 
              Deborah Moen
              Life Mentor, Teacher, Reiki Master 
              Contact me : 
              Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals - The Reference Book Describing the Metaphysical Properties of the Mineral Kingdom

              Thursday, June 18, 2015

              Change Your State of Health With This

              Still Struggling? There are enough techniques and methods available to cure any issue, situation, or ailment. Do you use them or do you procrastinate? 

              Sometimes we have a belief deep inside that we do not deserve to be healthy. For whatever the reason, here is a solution. It is amazing how fast this works. Try it and see for yourself.

              You Got the Power !


              I use this to dissolve a negative belief and then I use it again to reinforce a new belief that supports my well-being. Simple and portable. 

               Vibrational solutions using the body and mind heart emoticon I find it works on everything and dissolves pain, stress, and old beliefs. also speeds healing and eliminates or reduces swelling and bleeding with injuries. 

              Do it before your Dr's visit and see what happens. You might discover your own power to help yourself heal or balance your body and mind. Woo Hoo ! What a revelation that would be, huh? Just imagine the feeling of power you have over your own life. 

              Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems

              Until next time,

              Be Well,

              Deborah Moen

              Sunday, June 7, 2015

              Woman Behind Energy Medicine - Donna Eden

              The Woman Behind Eden Energy Medicine

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              I just read this and wanted to share it with you

              It is so inspirational and may give you some creative affirmations and acknowledgment you need to move forward. 

              An Interview with Donna Eden

              By Jana Messing

              Reprinted from InnerResources Magazine
              The following interview was written for a special issue, "The Spirit of Donna Eden's Energy Medicine" of the magazine InnerResources Magazine.
              This interview is reprinted over a series of Donna Eden's Energy e-Letters
              My interview with Donna took place on February 25, 2010...



              Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems ( page views 23,513 )
              Such a wonderful world we live in to have all these tips and info at our fingertips.
              Stay tuned for my next post Intuitive Crystal Grids
              Until next time,
              BE WELL You can do it ! Take one step towards your good life today.

              Deborah Moen
              Positive Healing Consultant
              Tell me your story and I will create your course of action with support.
              Contact me here

              Tuesday, May 26, 2015

              How to Find Something You Lost

              How To Find Something You Lost

              Have you ever lost something and try to find it without any success ?

              Have you ever lost something and let the lost item appear 
              on its own ? 

               I had not been able to find my old bag of vegetable and flower seeds. I had always kept them on the shelf in the shed.  I looked everywhere and then everywhere again and they were gone. I know it is good to let go and let the universal flows lead me to it, so I got busy with something else and began planting the seeds I had. 

              I had so much fun making the rows for my garden. I followed my intuition and came up with some creative ideas. While making the corn rows, it struck me that lost bag of seeds, contained the packages of corn seed that my husband had bought me earlier in the season. My face began to get really hot and a desire to find them rushed through me.  

              Suddenly, I felt this need to put away some of my tools before it began raining.

              I picked my tools up off the lawn and walked through the gate to the metal shed where I stored my gardening tools.  While in the shed, I could hear the wind rattle the thin metal walls. I put the claw rake and the trowel away, then all of a sudden I got this very clear message,  " look on the shelf" and so I did. My eyes instantly met with my old bag of seeds! 

              Oh JOY ! My seeds are found ! Yay ! I praised the message that guided me . I did a happy dance right there in the shed. There is no greater feeling than a full circle event. I was in the best of moods. It occurred to me there could never be anything ever to worry about again; that I am not alone.  I was not alone in my celebration of finding the seeds either ! I felt this glorious surge of energy around me and in me. 

              Lately, things have been changing fast as I follow my highest excitement.

              I definitely notice a loving co-creative relationship with the beings and energies that are of assistance to me. You know how they tell us They are always there, we just can't hear or see them

               We perceive them differently some by sound some by sight, some by scent, and well, I can feel them. It is a vibrational message anyway it comes. 

              In my opinion, our brain is not where our solutions come from. In my opinion, our brain is a receiver of non-local information and guidance. Stressing out and trying to find something, squeezes the portals of entry closed. How wonderful to just chill out, follow our highest excitement, do what it is we love. This is relaxing and opens the portals for receiving valuable guidance and communications. 

              You don't have to try so hard

              Relax. Keep your portals open so you can follow that still small voice.
              Follow your impulses. You are being guided.

              Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems
               ( 23, 285 page views)

              Until next time 
              Be Well,

              Deborah Moen

              Monday, May 11, 2015

              Autogenic Training can Reduce 80% Of Illness

              Deborah's Little Gems


              Stress causes 90% of illnesses.

              80% of stress illnesses can be managed with autogenic


              training alone. ~ Norman Shealy M.D., PhD

              Dr. Norm Shealy shows you how to practice autogenic training. Click here to learn this method, it is so easy.

              Here is another video on autogenic training. 

              Thank you for visiting Deborah's Little Gems ( 23,058 page views )
              Until next time 
              Be well,


              Reishi Mushroom Fantastico

              Dried Reishi Mushrooms - 16 Oz. (1 Lb.) Life Gourmet Shop

              Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), commonly known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, is a herbal mushroom known to have miraculous health benefits.

              So what's so good about red reishi?

              My Friend Had Covid

                My Friend Had Covid - Deborahs Little Gems Read :This is not a substitute for medical care or medication. This is a few suggestions for ma...